Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Flesh on the Bones of My Dreams

It's deep cleaning day. It's go-over-to-that-huge-pile-of-shasta-in-the-corner-and-deal-with-it day. I'm purging, I'm filing, I'm (for the first time), facing the fact that the job I've known for the past year and a half could well be a memory. 

I just put the top on a box that contained each of the 14 issues that I penned into print. I just closed up the folder containing the letter I received on January 22, 2008, welcoming me to the team. I'm hanging up the skirts that several lucky men have donned. 

It was a good ride, but I'm up for whatever's next. Anne Lamott says that "courage is fear that has said its prayers." 

I'll be on my knees before I'll be on my feet. Surely soon after, I'll be ready to lift off with something new, ready to put flesh on the bones of new dreams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this new adventure is good for your writing. God is breathing new life into your words...