Tuesday, July 28, 2009

And We've Come Full Circle

Conversation has a way of winding itself back around to beginnings. If you're anything like me, you get unparalleled satisfaction from such a sweetly bow-tied wrap up. What has been will be again. There's comfort in the cyclical motion of time.

A friend of mine jokes that when our musings land us on an already-visited topic, it's simply time to conclude the conversation with a "...And, we've come full circle," before putting the cap on it and moving on. 

We come back around, we tie things together, we put the stitches in the tapestry that binds life's disconnected pieces. 

My life has certainly seen a great deal of this turning back. When I left the coffee-soaked air of a favorite coffee shop in Athens, I moved on with a slightly-sad readiness to begin my "career." Now, I'm back behind the counter of a beloved coffee shop/fine eatery, and am loving the irony of this career move. What a treat it is to return to a place that combines my love for the community with my taste for quality espresso. Now, I've just got the experience of two years in the real hard-knocks world to round me out.

I'm endlessly fixed on the idea of gazing backwards as I move forwards. I revel in the thought that I am still who I was. That little girl with big dreams is me. I'm still here. Same interests, but with a different outlook. Same ideas, but with a bigger dose of courage. 

I cannot believe how thoroughly my childish interests have surfaced in my (dare I say?) adult life. "Cory's Story" magazine rebirthed in the pages of skirt!. Homemade menus and kitchen to table service for my sister's friends has turned into restaurant reality. "Cory and Co." hand-done cards are now the work of my Four Hats Press. (More to come with this I hope!)

I've come around again. And, I couldn't be gladder.


Carla Jean said...

YES! Your Four Hats logo is PERFECT!

Stephanie said...

It was such a treat to see you at Urban Standard today. I didn't think that place could get any better, but with the addition of you, it definitely did.