Why, yes, it's Mavis.
She's back with all her vintage, squeaky rusty stylie trappings.
And she's been wheeling me all over town on these Spring-esque sunny days. Riding provides ample opportunity for seeing, smelling and hearing things that just don't get noticed behind the wheel of a car. For that reason, I find myself looking forward to multi-purposed rides when I can afford the slower pace.
I'm going to be tracking my cycling progress here, for the sake of being held up by others to keep my goal of gaining strength and going places on my journeys with Mavis.
So far, I've been:
Here for Sunday Brunch
Here for a mid-week baguette
Here for some arty supplies
Here to bake, for coffee and friends
Here to read
Here for fresh fruits and veggies (Oh, April, come on!)
While my progress doesn't hold a candle to the endeavors of say, these BA bikers, it is progress, no less. You must remember, that Mavis is a geriatric and she is to be treated quite gingerly. (That, and, oh, you must know I am bit of a wuss).