Saturday, August 8, 2009

God over the Chaos

I should be dog tired. I've been keeping later hours, working longer days, tackling numerous projects at a time... Each day's end should have me sleeping soundly in my bed. But, oh contraire, my friend. For the past month, my sleep has been interrupted and abbreviated. Twice this week, I woke up mid-slumber, my mind absolutely drowning in speedy thoughts.

That's when I read.
I write.
I watch Gilmore Girls.

Last night, I woke to the vivid imagery of Genesis 1.

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

God hovered over the chaos.

I can't help but think that's what He's still doing in my life. My days are chaotic, my mental landscape is all over the map. I'm thinking, planning, dreaming. When I lay to rest each night, silence doesn't come naturally. When my nights aren't split by hours of sleeplessness, they are cut short.

But, last night, I was reminded that I am being watched over, waited on by the God who covers over my chaos. I'm living in His peaceful haze.


Abby said...

Amazingly, I was in deep thought last night over the same passage in Genesis, trying to form a mental picture of what it would look like when God's spirit moved over the waters. Maybe this is no coincidence.

I also haven't slept well in about two months. But there is always peace...eventually.

Charlotte said...

"I was reminded that I am being watched over, waited on by the God who covers over my chaos. I'm living in His peaceful haze."

Yes. You are. Thank you for reminding me of this, too. :)

Erin Stephenson said...

Such a beautiful post, and don't we all need to be reminded that to Him, it isn't chaos at all, but part of a perfect plan? Thanks for sharing.