Sunday, July 10, 2011

Slow and Steady

Thanks to the help of a master machinist, I've been making steady progress on the repair of Andy the Vandy (the name I think I've settled upon for my 320 Vandercook Proof Press). It's been great to have the help of someone more mechanically minded for repairs to the grippers, to get the carriage on in the right place, to get it scrubbed clean, and to get it all leveled up. This fella is just another one in a long list of people who have been generous with their time and knowledge to help me along on the way. My meager thanks are not enough.

I'm quite perplexed by a couple remaining issues with rollers and with packing the cylinder, but with the help of the worldwideweb and the printerly experience of others, I hope to be up and cranking in no time at all.

It's all been happening so slowly, I haven't been reporting much about how exciting this all been. This dream that began over two years ago is making serious progress, and let it be known that I am overjoyed, overwhelmed with thanksgiving to a God who knew, who knows.

Andy, I'm thrilled to have you in my life. Oh, the places we'll go!

1 comment:

Amanda Keenan said...

hey Cory!
Amanda here, the other 320! :) Cute site! I love that photo of you by the vandy! So are you 5'?! (cause I am too!). LOL!