Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm behind the times

I'm always a bit behind the curve, which is why I haven't yet gotten around to watching the two latest episodes of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on hulu. I was poking around on the web when I ran across this spoiler-alert article about his efforts. The guy is doing some really wonderful things to educate people about what we eat blindly. Jamie's spiel on candy coatings (Season 2, episode 3) even prevented me from buying theatre snacks a couple of weeks ago (much to the disappointment of my movie buddy).*

All this to say, I'm sad for the close mindedness of a community (or the leadership over it) that was not open to letting Jamie revolutionize their diets. They're the ones losing out. There is a lot of good to be gained if we endure the growing pains of facing the facts.

*In an effort to steer clear of some of the nauseating things he reported are on the ingredient lists of some beloved sweeties, I'm going to try and opt for choices from places like Indie Candy, if at all possible.

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