Friday, January 22, 2010

The time is NOW

"Yes, when I get big and have my own home... I'l have a desk like this in my parlor and white walls and a clean green blotter every Saturday night and a row of shining yellow pencils always sharpened for writing and a golden-brown bowl with a flower or some leaves or berries always in it and books...books...books."
-Francie Nolan in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Not too unlike Francie, I often have dreams for when I grow up. When I become more settled, more financially stable, more in control of my time and energy...then...only then will I be able to create in a space like the one mentioned above. When I get a handle on things and when I have a sweet little corner set up for my writing and art, that's when it'll happen more often.

Well, that's bullhonky.

The time is NOW.

Today is the day that I should seek to pray to learn balance between going and doing, and staying home to pursue the (for me) re-energizing benefits of making, sewing, cooking, printing and writing. While I do have a pretty great b-art-ment in my current house, I also know that "needing a creative space" can sometimes be an excuse for not carving out discipline to simply do what I love.

It was pretty revolutionary for me to realize (thanks to good ole Edith), that sometimes, we can re-charge and rest in some pretty productive ways. For her, gardening turned into a way to unwind, rather than an arduous task on a to-do list.

Sometimes, we put off what we love because we think we need all of the supposed ingredients to make it happen. But, I repeat, that's a load of shasta. The time is now. Our efforts, however garbled, muddled or messy will do us right, if in fact, we have the resolve to put them to practice.*

*Granted, I do believe in the power of a good environment inspiring creativity. But, I think we all have the resources at our disposal to make those spaces without spending a lot of time or money. The first exercise in creativity may well be in discovering how to use what you already have to make you're own little version of Francie's dream desk right where you are.


Melissa said...

Love this post and the reminder that productivity can be restful and rejuvenating. If only this little booger in my tummy wouldn't force me into the bed every afternoon for a little siesta...

I had major spring fever yesterday and wanted get out in the little plot I've set aside for a summer garden and work!

PS. I am super jealous of your little art nook. No fair.

schaible said...

Two Things
1. Did you get a sewing machine?
2. You need an alphabet poster like the one on the wall in that photograph missy.

Jessica said...

i want that work area! it's so lovely!