Sunday, March 15, 2009


The other day I was delighted to get some time to sniff around in What's On 2nd in wait of an interview appointment next door. Each time I pass the threshold of this downtown establishment, I am amazed anew at the verity of one man's trash equating to another's new treasure. Browsing through the tossed-aside possessions of others sets my imagination in motion with plans to re-invent. My home is adorned with several treasures found in the corners and crevices of this packed-to-the-gills shop.

My latest meander through led me to Teacher's Plan Book pictured above. As you can see, it records the third grade lesson plans of a certain Miss D.J. Gilbert from 1967. Intrigued, I opened it up and leafed through a year's worth of her classroom plans. Under each day's heading, Miss Gilbert faithfully recorded her "aims," or objectives, followed by specific activities for her students. All was penned in her picture perfect loopy cursive.

A few pages in, I noticed a similarity between the pages. The first aim of every day was always "to give reverence to God." Page after page, I flipped through and marveled at her consistency. First line, first aim of the day, Miss Gilbert began by dedicating her classroom work to the humble attitude of her heart.

This was indeed a check for my own morning ritual. It was a challenging reminder to, likewise, begin each new work day aiming for self-abasement before my Father. He must become greater and I, in turn, less.

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