Monday, January 5, 2009


The above sufficiently sums up my hopes for the new year. A few months back, I read this challenge: "Try not to spend time and energy being against anything. Instead, invest that energy into your creative growth and personal best." This year, that's exactly what I'd like to do with help from the following goals:

a) Re-furbish, re-paint, re-style. Be resourceful. Beauty is important to our Creator. It's not frivolous. Did you know that even when money was tight, Norwegians used to work flowers into their weekly budget? Lovely things weren't considered indulgent; they were viewed as necessary. I hope that I can open my eyes this year to see the potential of what I have: to re-create somethings out of what I thought were nothings.
b) Do the write thing. Pen is poised, I'm ready to re-launch my adventures into creative writing. I hope to be able to take a weekly class, waking up my sleeping poet. Edith Schaeffer, author of the Hidden Art of Homemaking says that by squelching our imaginations, we stifle our personalities.
c) Knit a knot. I'd like to go back and re-learn what I used to know about sewing, cross-stitch and needlepoint. My preference will be to learn from someONE and not from a book. The most redeeming thing about traditional crafts such as these are that they used to bring people together. I hope that I can find an activity that will allow for me to spend time with people rather than in isolation.
d) Cleanse the lens. Open mine eyes that I may behold the beautiful things all around me! I'd love to learn more about the realm of photography -- one that has always interested/intimidated me. This is the year to put feet to my curiosities.

This is the year to invest in what lights me up. This is the year to spend time doing what enlivens me to be a better friend, more well-rounded employee, more aware human being. Here's to a year of creative growth.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Was that the one you forgot? Design 09 - it has a good ring to it.