Friday, January 2, 2009

In Re-view

Happy New Year, my friends!
Before I leap and bound into what's ahead, I'll toss a quick glance over my shoulder, looking back at this past week's memories and moments. It was a much needed return to the peachiest state in country.

1. Keri and Jenny yuckin it up at Twains in downtown Decatur. They are two of my dearest friends from the golden era of college. There's no match for this caliber of friend. Twice a year is not enough.
2. My feet, in mama's boots, at the cabin. We stole away for a couple of days post-Christmas. Lots of reading, being still, hiking and sleeping. It was just what my weary soul needed.
3. Me and Zach-Attack hanging at Walker's in Athens. My tour de Georgia included a short stint in my old alma mater. What a treat.
4. Mama and Daddy during one of our walks through the woods. Dad quoted Frost, Mama hummed and I shuffled alongside. Was this before or after we ran across the bear scat and I took each subsequent step with increased caution? Hm. Don't remember.
5. On Christmas Eve, Megan (sister, sister, there were never such devoted sisters) and I made a whole batch of homemade marshmallows, experimenting with three different varieties: maple, peppermint and chocolate. The results were delicious.
6. Deanna, doing a combination Mannequin face/Zach-impression at the dinner table at Clocked. We enjoyed a glorious progressive meal, starting off with the famous peanut-butter bacon burger and proceeding across the street for a slow dessert at Last Resort. The finest of Athens fare in one night.
7. A roadside barn. I can't get enough of em.
8. Mom in her reindeer antlers. She wore them all day on Christmas.
9. The fire, beside which I spent most of my time at home.
10. George and Megan. The Kaufmans. My bro-in-law and sis.
11. Aubs and me at Twains. Aubrey is on Young Life staff in Columbus, Georgia and rare the day I get to see her face. I love and miss her thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much.
12. Dad doing the Peanuts dance on Christmas day. If I get my way, this will be a new tradition.


Melissa said...

i love your little collage...and i love that i finished singing "sisters" in my head as i read the rest of your blog. watching white christmas is an eades family tradition. erin and i used to dance on picnic tables with umbrellas and sing and dance to that song. matt watched it with us this christmas and even sang along at the fun!

can't wait to see you on sunday or at least this coming wednesday at community group.


lauren ashlee said...