Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God. 1 Peter 1:18
To my fault, I have a tendency toward what a dear friend calls "ingrown eyeballs." I've neglected to be sensitive to the needs of others, and I've allowed my circumstances to dictate my contentedness. I seem to have misplaced my JOY.
I think about my sweet friend Sarah, who eminates a do-dah-day attitude. Despite life's crud, she radiates peace. She sings and dances through her days. She embodies the joy of the Lord. While I recognize the obvious differences in our personalities, I can't help but wonder why I don't transmit the same rays of everlasting joy. We were saved by the same God. We are both loved by Him.
I'm thankful that I recognize a need for change in myself. I pray that a change in attitude will be the first step...

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