Monday, May 10, 2010

Let The Word

Google images fails me. I have a vision in my head, a picture I want to show you, a story I want to tell. But a search engine proves insufficient for the task of aiding me.

Recently, my pastor's wife shared with me that when she prays, she often visualizes a room where the Lord waits on her to come and visit. The very minute the words were out of her mouth, I had my own mental picture appear:

I saw a stone cottage set within the woods, a sunlight room beside bookshelves peppered with colorful old titles. I saw a worn wingback chair and a fireplace....a perfectly inviting scene. It is what I now see when I envision approaching His throne of grace with confidence.

How often do I neglect to come to the Lord for a visit because I'm too busy, too scatter-brained, too tired? How long does He wait for me in that beautiful cozy scene in my mind?

I must admit, I've been incredibly self-centered, bordering on falsely self-sufficient as of late. Here's my admission both to you and to the Lord.

I'm fooling myself.
I'm just as desperate for His Spirit.
I'm nothing on my own strength.

I vow to spend more time in that sitting room, saturating myself in His wisdom and Word, to let it dwell in me richly.


rebekah said...

Is it in the Cotswolds? I've often thought I would be able to talk to him there. :)

skip said...

You might have better image-finding luck with Flickr's collection of Creative Commons licensed images. Photographers allow you to use their photos (with a few easy stipulations). Just make a search, go to Advanced Search and select Creative Commons. They've got lots.