Thursday, February 12, 2009


Experiments in twittering... part 2. I've made the executive decision to personally de-twitter. I'm still using it for work (and can be found at skirtBirmingham for interested parties), and have found it to be a useful tool there for disseminating information and getting almost-immediate feedback. After two weeks of soul searching, however, I have decided it needs not hold place in my outside-of-work life. So, there you have it, folks. I gave its usage a go, and have declined to persist. If you care to know why, I'd love to discuss both my reservations and celebrations about digital communication tools with you... but, let's chat about it on a park bench or over coffee. What do you say?

1 comment:

Lauren M said...

yay! i just found your blog through elaines. i fully approve with the twitter decision and have desisted myself. can't wait to see you monday and talk more!