Ah, the untold glory of a blank page... the promise of a new year that will bring with it new friends, new opportunities, new places and experiences. Though the turn of another year is still months away, I've prepped myself with the purchase of a brand new moleskine*. It's a big day when a fresh one arrives on my doorstep. I peel back it's plastic casing and thumb through the perfect untouched pages...
I've amassed a collection of these used planners, looking back into them as I do my journals. Their pages tell the story of each year: who I spend my time with, where I go, what I value enough to use my time for... Here's what my current one looks like, chock-full with busyness, scribbly notes and to-do's:

And on my desk, now sit 365 BLANK leather-bound days. In the coming days and weeks, I will pencil in appointments, happenings, birthdays... trying to live in today, but conceeding to the fact that my job has me peering into the future, planning for what's upcoming.
But, OH! how exciting it is to think of what sparkling-new things my moleskine will contain, taking me another year deep into this journey!
*for those not privvy, Moleskine is "the legendary notebook of Hemingway, Picasso, Chatwin." According to the "history of the legendary notebook"(which can be read
here, or on the insert tucked into each notebook's back pocket), the moleskine is a "reservoir of ideas and feelings, a battery that stores discoveries and perceptions, and whose energy can be tapped over time."